Treat Presbyopia
With a Prescription Eye Drop

As we age, it becomes harder to see things up close. But now there’s a prescription eye drop available to treat age-related blurry near vision – presbyopia – in adults.


Have Difficulty Seeing Up Close?

Presbyopia is a progressive, age-related eye condition that reduces the eye's ability to focus on near objects. This prescription eye drop is a non-surgical solution that may help patients with presbyopia see up close without compromising distance vision.

Checkout ReVision's Blog or tune-in our Podcast to learn more about presbyopia and the prescription eye drop treatment.

LASIK Eye Surgery at ReVision

Find yourself doing these things? The Presbyopia Eye Drop Could Be Right for You.

  • Using a brighter light to read
  • Holding materials at arms length
  • Squinting your eyes

What is Presbyopia?

As we age, the lenses of our eyes become harder and less flexible, making it more difficult to see up close. These changes can lead to age-related blurry near vision, also known as presbyopia. Approximately 128 million adults in the US are living with presbyopia. Most people are in their 40s when they first start noticing problems seeing clearly up close. But now there’s a new way to treat it.

How it Works

  • The eye drop reduces your pupil size by contracting certain muscles in the eye to help you see up close.
  • Use one drop daily in each eye to help improve near vision.
  • Most patients achieve a 3-line gain or more reading soon after taking the drop without losing more than 1 line in a distance vision eye chart.
  • If more than one eye drop is being used, administer them at least 5 minutes apart.
  • The most common side effects of the eye drop were headache and eye redness.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Those who wear contact lenses can also use this eye drop. Simply remove your contacts prior to administering the eye drop, then wait 10 minutes before putting them back in.

  • Those with presbyopia who have previously had LASIK can use and enjoy the benefits of the presbyopia eye drop. 

  • The eye drop is intended to decrease dependence on other options for presbyopia, such as reading glasses.

How Can I Find Out If I Have Presbyopia?

If you're experiencing age-related near vision loss, schedule a visit at ReVision to start a conversation about presbyopia. If diagnosed with presbyopia, our doctors will review your presbyopia vision solutions, including use of the prescription eye drop.