Safety Is the New Currency

By: Dr. James Schumer, Ophthalmologist and Founder ReVision LASIK & Cataract Surgery

COVID-19 has altered the way we see the world. With new information developing daily and safety measures continuing to evolve, the past several months have been challenging. As we look to the future, it’s important for businesses to realize safety is the new currency.

Is it safe?” This is the question consumers ask when considering a trip outside their home to visit a business, undergo medical procedures, or enjoy leisure activities. Customers are seeking reassurance that it is indeed safe to enter businesses. Sending a clear message of safety to prospective and existing customers is vital to maintaining profitability during the pandemic.

Even before Coronavirus, medical practices performed procedures under high safety standards. Today, those best practices are enhanced with additional safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is important for medical professionals to share their safety standard expertise with patients. This conversation helps build patient confidence by providing reassurance that proceeding with routine care visits and having medical procedures is safe – even during a pandemic – and will enhance quality of life.

Businesses experiencing a decrease in profitability can demonstrate their commitment to customer health and wellness through mask wearing, social distancing, and thoroughly disinfecting surfaces. It is equally important to champion safety protocols to employees. This safeguards against transmission of COVID-19 between coworkers which could result in numerous employees being quarantined or a shutdown of the business.

Use websites and social media to keep the line of communication open to consumers. Provide details about safety measures in place at the business and what visitors should expect upon arrival. As circumstances evolve, remember to update this information regularly. Knowledge provides a solid foundation for the customer to have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

One thing remains unchanged during these uncertain times, successful businesses rely on customers to purchase goods and services. Businesses that extend their definition of ‘goods and services’ to include safety will restore consumer confidence, receive more on-site visits, and increase profitability. Central Ohio businesses are truly in this together. Let’s unite to show customers it is safe to visit and support local businesses.

Article appeared in October 2020 issue of Columbus CEO Magazine. Photo by Columbus CEO.

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